The German taz Panter Foundation workshops for Female MENA Journalists.

Application Deadline: 20th of September 2024

The German taz Panter Foundation offers a long-term series of workshops for 25 female journalists from the Middle East and North Africa. Apply now in English and Arabic. German taz Panter Foundation offers a long-term series of workshops for female journalists from these countries:

• Algeria • Egypt • Iraq • Jordan • Kuwait • Lebanon • Libya • Morocco • Mauritania • Oman • Palestine • Saudi Arabia • Syria • Sudan • Tunisia • United Arab Emirates

The seminars include a kick-off workshop in the region, followed by a journalistic exchange in Berlin in the summer of 2026 for the winners of the Green Panter Award .

Due to its geographical location the Middle East and North Africa are one of the regions most affected by climate change worldwide. Despite the urgency of the issue, it is rather underrepresented in local media. Over a period of two years, a network of 25 experienced women journalists from the countries mentioned above is formed to:

a) receive training in environmental journalism

b) facilitates exchange with international environmental experts

c) work on solution-oriented environmental issues across national boundaries

d) publish nationally and internationally on environmental topics

e) honor outstanding journalistic results of the seminar by the Green Panter Award

25 female journalists will be invited to exchange their experiences and increase their professionalism.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Journalistic experience in print, online, radio, or TV outlets
  • Access to internet (computer or notebook, smartphone)
  • Working language will be Arabic, with simultaneous translation to/from English. At least passive English would be fine. There will be no translation into Kurdish
  • Journalists without international experience are highly welcome

Application Procedure

Interested journalists are asked to send an application in English or Arabic , in the form of one PDF, that includes:

  • CV, including date of birth, place of residence, e-mail address, work experience, knowledge of language, photo
  • statement of motivation, including e-mail contact of 2 journalistic reference persons, who may be contacted by Taz-Panter foundation (maximum 1000 characters/ 200 words)
  • Applications in Arabic can be accepted only in exceptional cases. Please ask colleagues or friends for help with your English, if needed.

Your email – only 1 pdf document for CV and motivation statement – ​​must be sent to [email protected]

Participants chosen will be informed until 5th of October 2024.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the German taz Panter Foundation workshops

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